Parallels - 2 (2013)
My Second attempt at a comic. I’m not sure I ever actually titled this one, but it’s essentially a sequel/reboot of Parallels, my previous comic. It can be read as a direct continuation to the events of that one, though there are differences, like the character designs.
It’s amazing the difference a year can make, this is miles better than the previous issue. I feel my art had greatly improved here, I still think some of these drawings are really nice. Though there are obviously some panels that look a bit rough. The panelling still leaves a lot to be desired also, I think I drew it to be read right to left like a manga as well.
I managed to make this more than twice as long as the previous issue too, which I think is an accomplishment …though it is still unfinished.
Bonus: Character Designs
(yikes, those profile views though…)