Episode 2
Drawn over the course of several months, off and on from 2015 to mid 2016, the second episode of my webcomic.
I feel my art definitely improved since the previous episode, though of course it is still not perfect. The coloured panels really aren’t that great. I knew it would be too much for me to draw a fully coloured comic, so I decided to just leave it for “establishing panels”, to get the general colours of the scenes, but I really could have handled them better.
Another thing, looking back, the nudity is a bit weird. I feel it still makes sense within the context of the story, but I probably could’ve obscured most of it. I think it’s there because a big influence of mine was early Dragon Ball; if you’ve read that, you know the main character is shown nude somewhat frequently. I thought this was funny, so thought I could do that in my comic, but I don’t think it really works the same and isn’t necessary.
The dialogue is still a bit clunky.